Tuesday, May 13, 2014

ATTENDING MAKER FAIRE? Traveling, Attending, and Maneuvering the Traffic in San Mateo, California

Maker Faire is Coming to San Mateo THIS WEEKEND 5/17-5/18 - Fun, Exciting, High Attendance & Traffic Impacts

By Nolan Apostle
Producer, Contributing Editor and Photographer
Johnny Apostle - Research and Reporter

Event City Premier Magazine


The Maker Faire is expecting to bring over 120,000 visitors to the San Mateo Events Center this weekend. At the Event City Community we are always trying to help you get to and around events, especially a major event like the Maker Faire. We are residents of San Mateo with offices in the Bat Lounge just a mile or so from the San Mateo Events Center. Here are some ideas and alternative traveling options to help you get to and from the San Mateo Events Center for the Maker Faire this weekend.

 Attending Maker Faire?  You don't need to drive. Take a SIDECAR RIDE and Save Time and Money!!

Sidecar Promotion - Any Maker Faire attendee coming to the Maker Faire event at the San Mateo Events Center from Friday May 16 - Sunday May 18th in San Mateo California will receive a $10 CREDIT on your first ride with Sidecar. Here is what you need to do:

Download the free App at side.cr - then when you sign up use this Code: 97nb6

If you have any questions or would like to SCHEDULE in ADVANCE YOUR RIDE do not hesitate to contact the Internet Organization and ask for Felix 415.877.1520 or email interneto2323@gmail.com.
Distribution Promo Sponsored by the INTERNET ORGANIZATION & IN2HOLLYWOOD.

Sam Trans is the Public Transportation System in San Mateo. Visit their website here for more info.

Cal Train is the Commuter rail Public Transportation System between San Francisco and San Mateo and Santa Clara counties. There is a Cal Train Station stop close to the San Mateo Events Center entrance. Visit the website for details.


San Mateo County Event Center Hosts Maker Faire - May 17th and 18th, 2014
This weekend, Saturday May 17 and Sunday May 18, the San Mateo Event Center will be hosting an event called Maker Faire. Maker Faire is a great event showcasing the Do-It-Yourself culture, and featuring innovations in technology, engineering, food, and arts and crafts. It has been described as the "premier event for grassroots American innovation." This large-scale event is expected to draw over 100,000 visitors over the two-day period.

The San Mateo Police Department will have personnel on scene, and will be coordinating with Maker Faire Staff to insure public safety. Maker Faire also provides a well-staffed, professional security contingent at this event.

The San Mateo Police and City Organization, the San Mateo County Event Center Staff, and The Maker Faire Production Staff are working collaboratively to minimize the traffic impact, however there will be an unusually large number of vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles in the San Mateo area this weekend.

• Be prepared for traffic delays, particularly on surface streets near the intersection of SR92 and US101, and on Freeway Ramps
• Be cautious and aware of bicyclists – special feature pricing for bicycle commuters will create a massive number of additional bicyclists in the area
• There will be a large increase in pedestrian foot-traffic in San Mateo as well – please watch for pedestrians

The Maker Faire Official App is available for iPhone and Android devices. You can download it here.
Event and Parking Information about the Maker Faire can be found at:
http://makerfaire.com/bay-area-2014/ \
or on Facebook:
Receive up-to-the-minute traffic and parking information by following @FaireTraffic or @SanMateoPD on Twitter…

Follow the San Mateo Police special information on Twitter! www.twitter.com/sanmateopd

For more information on San Mateo County, traveling to and attending events within the county please contact the city Website for more information:


Please help us make your neighborhood safer and take a stand against crime. Please report all criminal behavior, join a neighborhood watch program, and help anyone that might fall victim to a crime. If a Neighborhood Watch doesn't exist on your block, you can start one with help from SMPD. For additional information about the City of San Mateo Neighborhood Watch Program, call Sergeant Dave Norris at (650)522-7626 or visit our web www.cityofsanmateo.org

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